Friday, January 7, 2011

part 1

Will you come haunt me again? Dear friend.

Their voices brought me back to life. Their voices, forced me to live in a parallel world that belonged to none other, but my self. No matter how much I tried to grasp those voices, they would easily slip past my fingers like dry sand. They were very much alive in their own worlds; it was as if they belonged to a completely different galaxy. Here, where I existed, the people and the conversations were different. The difference was such that when I peered into a glass window, I wouldn’t know which one was reality, and which world was a mere reflection.

They seemed to hold deep dark secrets that I had grown out of, or maybe even forgotten.
It was strange how the faces, the habits, the jokes and the problems were still the same, but only time had been altered.
These voices were like spirits that whispered to me tales of my own story and interfered with my new born life. They were unfair like the waves that frequented the shores time and again. They left back imprints and dark patches on the face of the cold sands, as they stood welcoming them each time. The waves would come so close to the sea shore and then drift away, never to return in the same form.
They were like ghosts from my past that kept apparating into my present.
The only thing I couldn’t figure out was that if I should welcome them to stay with me, or leave them undisturbed in the graves of my memories.
They reminded me of how I used to be, and now that I had accepted change as an acquaintance, I don’t know if that was a good thing.

Whenever I met these ghosts however I would feel an insane high, one which would last as long as they were in my presence. Because soon I would wake up from this sweet dream and the hours of the new day would smother me completely.

It felt awkward to meet my ghosts again, like a stain on a cherished memory, like a dusty painting that lay ignored in the attic, which was now put to display in an art exhibition. Did it actually belong there?
Will you come haunt me again?
Dear friend.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I was lost initially, but it makes perfect sense now. It's so intense. I'm SO proud of you. :) I miss you.
